An Interview with Ken Bailey
1: Could you share a little bit about your background?
I was raised in Texas and had a normal upbringing. My mother always had us in church. Every time the doors were open, we were required to be there. We were a blue collar family, with my dad working at a gas plant and doing some farming on the side.
Sports were a huge part of my childhood. I loved to play football, basketball, baseball, etc..
I graduated with my bachelor’s degree from Hardin-Simmons University. I then went on and got a master’s degree from Baylor University. I went to graduate school again, at Houston Baptist University, and earned an administrator’s license.
I am married to my amazing wife, Sue, and we have two, incredible children and five grandchildren.
I taught school and coached sports teams for many years. I then moved up into school administration. After that, I helped plant a church, started a restaurant, and was a stock broker, for a couple of years. All at the same time! That was a lot of work!!!
I then moved into full-time ministry, becoming an associate pastor and also helping to run a nonprofit. I then became a head pastor at a couple of churches.
I then became the founder, of a nonprofit named Alms International. People can visit our website at: You can find us on Facebook at: Alms International. We help feed, clothe and provide financial assistance, to needy people, around the world. We share Christ with them and tell them how much God loves them.
I love doing evangelism and taking overseas mission trips. It brings me great joy to share Jesus with others. I take tour groups to Israel and love being in the Holy Land. I always make it a point to go and provide food and financial assistance, to Holocaust survivors, single mothers with children and to new immigrants to Israel.
2: When did you become a believer in Christ?
I came under the conviction of the Holy Spirit when I was eleven years old. I reached the age of accountability and I knew that if I died, I was on my way to hell. I resisted the Spirit’s urging, for me to get saved, for over a year. Finally, when I was twelve, I made a public profession of faith, in Jesus Christ, and was born again. It felt like I had a hundred pound weight come off my back. When I was baptized, I felt the Holy Spirit surge through my body and I went on, to immediately begin witnessing to others, so they would get saved.
3: At what moment did you realize you had a calling from the Lord and how was it revealed to you?
At age 25, I took my first teaching and coaching job in west Texas. I attended a prophecy conference, in Abilene, Texas, with a new colleague of mine. His name was Pat McGee and he recently passed away. He was a cheerful, amazing man of God and my first spiritual mentor!
One day, after the prophecy conference was over, Pat told me that he had message from God for me! I was stunned! Someone was going to prophesy over me.
Pat told me that God had a special call on my life and that God would move me around a lot, to minister to people and do work for His Kingdom, and leading others to salvation in Christ. I was honored that Pat had shared this word, from the Lord, with me. I didn’t want to move around a lot, but Pat’s prophetic message to me has turned out to be true.
I am grateful that God has allowed me to minister to many people. I have been used by the Lord, to lead people to Christ and to help fix broken places where the Lord has taken me.
I have been studying prophecy, for over forty years now! My uncle, Perk Carrier, taught a Sunday evening class, at our church and taught the book of Revelation to us. He also taught us from the book, The Late Great Planet Earth, by Hal Lyndsey.
This planted a seed in my heart, to study prophecy the rest of my life. I was fascinated by the fact that Jesus, was one day going to come back and take me to heaven, in the rapture. Today, we all live in the final generation of Christ followers, who are the chosen one’s, who will be raptured soon and meet Christ in the clouds.
In my 30’s, God began to speak to me and tell me that I would meet people that day, who I had know plans to see. I would start my day and sure enough, sometime later in the day, I would see the very person God told me I would see. I thought, “this is crazy!” God is speaking to me and I am learning to hear His voice. These words, from the Lord, would just come to my mind. I did not hear Him through my ears. God was training me to hear His voice.
In my 40’s, I began to go on mission trips to Africa and other places. I would also make my first trip to Israel, going with Dr. David Jeremiah to help on his first trip to Israel, with a tour group. I was so happy to finally go to Israel! Israel captured my heart and I wanted to go as often as possible. I have loved Israel since I was a teenager.
One day, I felt led to pray to God and ask Him for the gift of prophecy. I had been studying prophecy for thirty years and I wanted to know the truth, from God, as I wanted to teach, about end-time prophecy, around the world. I was blessed, as God answered my prayer and gave me the gift of prophecy.
However, shortly after that, God revealed to me that He had given me additional gifts. If you remember the story of Solomon, he asked for discernment, in administering justice, as he ruled over the people of Israel. God was so pleased, with Solomon’s pure request, that He decided to bless him with the additional gifts of wealth and honor.
The same thing happened to me. God gave me the additional gifts of being one of His servants, a prophet, and the gift of evangelism. Now, I have the gift of prophecy, to understand end-time events and I also have the prophetic and evangelistic gifting, to go along with it.
I love serving God. It is an honor to be His servant and give my life away, in service, to our great King. I want the people of the world to repent, believe on the substitutionary death of Christ, on their behalf, and be baptized and receive the Holy Spirit.
4: You have done many different things over the past decades. You have led large ministries, in the US, which have had a global influence. You are the founder of Alms International; you have been pastoring several churches. What season are you in at this moment?
The season that I have been in recently, is to wait on the Lord until he tells me to go public, with my prophetic and prophecy gifts. I have been preparing, to tell the world that Christ is soon coming, to rapture His true followers. Then the terrible, seven-year tribulation will begin on the earth.
Over the past several years, I have had hundreds of signs, wonders and miracles occur in my life.
On March 1, 2020, God gave me a great sign, that it was now time for me to go public, to the world, with the messages and visions that He has given me over the years. I also received another great sign, from the Lord, on March 20, 2020, confirming that just as Jesus went public with His ministry, at age 30, it was now time for me to go public, with the work that the Lord had for me, to do for His Kingdom. I will tell of these great signs, in future video interviews and perhaps a book, if the Lord wants me to write one.
My first, great, miraculous vision occurred on April 9, 2004. I was up late that Thursday night, seeking the Lord, and He gave me a vision that was tied to Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the anniversary of his death. God gave me this vision and also honored Bonhoeffer, on the 59th anniversary, of his martyrdom.
I will tell this story, on video, in the future. It is an incredible miracle and led me to eventually go to work with Dr. David Jeremiah, in San Diego, at his Christian school there.
I am so blessed and I must tell you, that I receive daily signs, wonders and miracles from the Lord. Even this morning, April 6, 2020, I was to be on a phone call to Israel at 7:00 MST, in the U.S.. The Lord told me, before the call, “your landline will ring, while you are on the phone call to Israel.” I was to talk, to a nonprofit, in Israel, about raising more funds to provide for the needs of Holocaust survivors.
Sure enough, before my call from Israel was over, the landline rang. I didn’t answer it, but it was from a good friend of mine, named Roy, calling me early this morning. Later, on this same day, the Lord told me that a young woman, who I have mentored for the past three years, would contact me today. Just now, as I am even doing this interview, she texted me. I have learned to hear God’s voice!!!
I am so blessed to have the Lord speak to me! As the prophets of old have said, in the books in the Bible – “The word of the Lord came to me.” That’s what happens with me. He just speaks to me, in my mind, each day!
God has given me messages to share with the citizens of the world. He has also given me messages to give to world leaders and the people of various nations. The Lord has revealed to me, that we are now entering the time of sorrows that Jesus mentioned in the Bible. With the coronavirus, the world is weeping, grieving and many people are dying. Yet, as bad as this is, the coming tribulation will be much worse!
Oh, how I love our great and mighty God! All the praise, honor and glory go to Him. I am nothing! I am just an ordinary man and no credit, for these spiritual gifts, will ever go to me. They are from the Lord!!!
James 1:17 says, “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.”
I have nothing to boast about! All of my spiritual gifts come from the Father! Like Paul, I wish to boast, of our Heavenly Father and our Lord and Savior – Jesus Christ!!!
5: What is the message, that you feel the Lord places on your heart, for the world to hear?
I have many messages, from the Lord, to share with the world and world leaders. The most important one is this: God has begun the countdown, to the rapture of Christ’s church! There is only a short time left on earth, for his true, born-again followers. Life, as we have known it, will soon be over. Yes, the end is now coming!!!
All true followers, of Jesus Christ, will soon be raptured and taken up to heaven, just as the Bible says, in I Thessalonians 4:16-18, “For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. Therefore encourage one another with these words.”
I urge everyone, from all the nations of the world, to repent from their sins, call on the Lord to save them, get baptized and receive the Holy Spirit. This is called being born again. It is what Jesus said, in John 3:3 – Jesus answered him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”
Time is running out! If you are not born again, you will go through the tribulation and it will literally be hell on earth. It is very likely that you will die during the seven-year tribulation.
The choice is yours – receive Christ, as your Lord and Savior or spend eternity, in a place called hell, because you rejected Christ! I beg you to choose Christ today!!!
6: When Churches or Ministries, would like to invite you for an interview, or to speak at their congregation and conferences, how can they reach you?
I would be delighted to speak at churches, various ministry events; both youth and adult about end-time prophecy and the prophetic messages and visions that the Lord has given me. I am also willing to do, in-person and telephone interviews, with organizations, networks and the media.
If I am asked to travel, I will ask that my travel expenses be paid for and that an honorarium, love offering, or speaking fee, be made available to me. I have my wife, that I want to provide for, and bills to pay, as anyone else does. Modest hotel accommodations are fine with me. I want all of us to be good stewards with the Lord’s money.
I would prefer that Churches, Ministries, organizations and the media, make contact with me, by email first. This way, I can screen those who contact me and not give my phone number out to the public. I love everyone, but I simply do not have time to talk, on the phone, or respond to every email that is sent to me, even if it is from someone who just simply wants to let me know they are praying for me. I appreciate your prayers and support!!!
Everyone can reach out to me, on Facebook, at Ken Bailey Ministries. Thanks for your understanding! May all of you know how much God loves you!!!
My ministry email is:
May the Lord bless each and everyone of you!!!