Alms is working in Africa. Each year, tens of thousands of people are turning from Islam to faith in Jesus Christ. We are so grateful for this.
We are feeding and clothing the poor. Due to AIDS, there are many orphans in Africa. We want to care for as many as we are able.
We desperately need more funds to expand our work on this continent. We need funds to buy food, to feed the poor, and buy Bibles for those who can read or listen to audio bibles, in their native language. We need to buy motorcycles for our evangelists to be able to get to rural villages to share the gospel and minister to the people.
Would you consider making a gift to our ministry to expand our work here? Just click on the donate page and you can make a tax-deductible gift online or mail a check to us. We are seeking monthly donors so that we know that we have the support, to continue the work we are doing, in the days ahead.