In Israel, Alms works to provide some financial assistance to Holocaust survivors, single mothers with children and the poor. Alms has been active in Israel for many years.
Did you know that one out of every three children in Israel, go to bed hungry each night? We will help as many of them as we are able, as more funds become available. Anti-Semitism is increasing, at an alarming rate, all over the world. As a result, many Jews are moving to Israel, to escape the persecution they experience in many countries. This is creating a humanitarian crisis, where many new immigrants simply come to Israel, with the clothes they have on their back. We are providing clothing for their families and we provide sacks of food for them, as they begin their new lives in Israel.Immigrants are starting a new life in Israel, in poverty, and we want to help them.
Holocaust survivors have long been neglected in Israel. The government provides some financial support, but it is not enough. Rent on their apartments is sky rocketing. As a result, many of the Holocaust survivors can’t afford to buy food or their medicines. As we visit them, in their apartments, they share their stories of often having to chose between buying their food or medicines each week, because they don’t have enough money for both.Alms is raising funds to help as many of the survivors as possible. They have suffered so much in their lifetimes. Will you consider partnering with us to support our work in Israel? The need is so great! Jesus said, “as you have done it unto the least of these, you have done it unto me.”