Thank you to USA Youth Outreach for sponsoring the work at Pinon, AZ again this year. USAYO provides the funding to do VBS, bring in the band Nine Lashes, and the guest speaker – William Green, and all the work that is done with the Navajo people. We enjoying working with USAYO, as we serve Christ together! Below, is a report of what happened this year.
We always love going to Pinon, Arizona, and serving the Navajo people that live there. We have conducted many Vacation Bible schools over the years. Numerous Navajo children have received Christ as their Lord and Savior.
Vacation Bible school was fantastic! Over 80 kids came daily. We had Julie Jefferson entertain us with an ventriloquist act….the kids and adults loved it. Nine Lashes was involve in basketball, games and Bible time. Lastly, William Green’s kids help lead the kids in crafts.
Julie JeffersonWe fed the children every day a meal before the Nine Lashes concert. They needed all the energy for jumping up and down to the rocking music.
William Green inspired everyone with his feats of strength and amazing testimony.
In addition, to the great work USAYO does with the Navajo, there are so many other needs that Alms International would like you to help with, to enhance the lives of these amazing people: They need school supplies for the children, funds to continue and expand VBS, concerts, and speakers to the Navajo people. We also need funds to lead a basketball camp for the youth. We would love to be able to bring coaches and speakers and have a camp just for the teens of several Navajo communities. There is also Pastor Herman Harrison, of Shiprock, NM, that needs help completing his church building, so he can grow his church, and hopefully, in the future, host a VBS.
Navajo Christmas Outreach
Each December, Alms takes Christmas presents, clothing, food, firewood, coats, gloves and financial assistance to the Navajo community. This has been a huge blessing to our friends there. Here are some of the comments we have heard:
“I didn’t have any money to buy my children Christmas presents this year. Because you came, my kids will now have presents and food this Christmas!”
“I received a coat and blankets for myself and my children. Thank you so much!”
“Our electricity was going to be turned off to our home. Your financial assistance will help us pay our electric bill and keep our kids warm!”
There are so many other needs that Alms International would like you to help with, to enhance the lives of these amazing people: They need school supplies for the children, funds to continue and expand VBS, concerts, and speakers to the Navajo people.
We also need funds to lead a basketball camp for the youth. We would love to be able to bring coaches and speakers and have a camp just for the teens of several Navajo communities.