Comfortable Christianity

comfortable christianity

I want to share a message from my heart.  It is as much a message to me, as it is to you.

The truth hurts.  Yet the truth must be told, so that perhaps change can take place.  For if we don’t change, we will cease to be relevant, in our society.

Friends, we are sitting in the bleachers, living our comfortable lives, as we try to make heaven on earth, for ourselves and our families.  As we passively sit, living our perfect little lives, the forces of hell wage war against the souls of men, women, boys and girls.  There is an all-out assault, on our Christian beliefs and the values, that our great country was founded on.

Our motto is, as long as it is not at my doorstep or affecting my family, I’ll ignore it.  So we go on, going to work faithfully, punching the clock at church, on Sunday mornings, but living for ourselves, the rest of the week.

Sacrifice!  What is that?  I am not going to sacrifice!  Are you kidding me? Sacrifice some of my time, money or family, for God’s work!!!  No way!  That is for the pastor and missionaries.  I’ll throw a little bit of money into the offering plate and they should be happy with that.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer said it best, “When Christ calls a man, he bids him come and die.”  Wow.  Read it again.  Yeah, God calls us to come and die.  He calls us to a costly commitment!

Oh friends, when will agree to lay down our lives and serve God with all of our heart?  When will we say, “Lord, I’m giving myself to you, with every heartbeat, that I have left.  I know I will live with you, in paradise, in eternity.”  “Lord, here am I.  Send me!”

I think if I had a one-on-one talk, with the Lord today, I would hear him say – “Ken, you do some good things for the Kingdom, but you could do so much more.  If you were sold-out, every day, I have so much more for you to do.  I must be honest with you, Ken.  At times, you are lukewarm.”

If you are honest with yourself, would that be what you would hear as well?  If so, I have good news for us.  There is still time to change!

It is worth it my friends.  Look at what Jesus said to the disciples, in Matthew 19:27-29.   Peter answered him, “We have left everything to follow you! What then will there be for us?”  Jesus said to them, “Truly I tell you, at the renewal of all things, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life.

Friends, let us lay down our earthly lives for Christ.  Let’s count the cost and go all in.  If we do, our lives will count for all eternity.   They will count right now and make an impact on our family, city, and society.

Oh friends, let’s get it right.  Let’s give our lives away, in service to Christ!  We won’t regret it!

Ask God, what He would have you to do for His Kingdom.  Where does He want you to serve?

Let’s get out of the bleachers and run to the battle!  Will you join me?

Wishing all of you a blessed and amazing day!


a ragamuffin for Christ

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