I know that so many of you were hoping to be Raptured during the Feast of Trumpets. You are ready to go home and leave this wicked, evil world!
God understands that! He knows your heart and that you are looking for His return!
The Harvest is not complete. The Lord has told me He wants us to go into the fields and labor for Him. He said, “The Harvest is plentiful, but the Laborers are few!” He wants us all to boldly share the gospel at home, work, school; wherever we go.
The Lord also wants us to go on mission trips and take the gospel to the nations! Will you go? If you can’t go, will you give to those who are doing missions work? You can help feed orphans and widows. You can buy bibles for new believers!
The Lord has me remind you today, of His words in Matthew 24:6. “And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.”
You are hearing of wars and rumors of more wars, that may soon break out. Jesus said it would be like this in the last days, but that The End is Not Yet.
However, I have great news for you! The end is soon coming! Once the gospel has been shared, with the nations, the trumpet will sound!
Look at Matthew 24:14. The Lord told me to quote this to Him, on March 6, 2020. “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”
Then the Lord said to me, “Ken, The gospel of the kingdom IS NOW being preached to all the world, as a witness to all the nations and Ken, THE END IS NOW COMING!!!
My precious friends, occupy until He comes. Let Jesus find you serving Him, as you hear the trumpet sound!
I love you all.
Ken Bailey
A servant of Jesus Christ