It’s Giving Tuesday

Today is Giving Tuesday; the annual day to give support to charities and give to the needy during the holiday season.

Would you consider making a gift to our ministry – ALMS INTERNATIONAL? Your tax-deductible gift will allow us to continue serving the “Least of These,” in the U.S. and around the world.

We are taking Christmas gifts, clothing and nonperishables, to the Navajo reservation on Dec. 9 and your donation can help support this work.

We now have two distribution centers in Israel that provide clothing, food, and financial assistance to Holocaust Survivors, the poor and immigrants. Would you prayerfully consider becoming a monthly donor to help us with this project?

You can donate at or on Facebook, at ALMS international.

We want to want to thank you for your support! We want to wish all of you a Merry Christmas!

Yours in Christ,

Ken and Sue Bailey
Founders of Ams International

IMG_5472img_1317Navajo Vacation Bible SchoolAlms International Africa

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