How is your life going? Are you calling the shots and living the life you want to live? If so, how is it going?
I know one thing. It is going to go by fast. Life is so fleeting.
I have a friend, who spent some time with Billy Graham, before his death. He said he asked Dr. Graham, what was his biggest surprise in life? The world, famous evangelist replied, “How quickly life has gone by.” “I remember only yesterday, when I was a twelve-year-old boy, running in the fields of North Carolina.” “Now I am an old man.”
Life is short. So it only makes sense, to live a life that is going to count, for all eternity.
How do you do that? Do you just do the best you can? Do you just do your own thing and hope it turns out okay at the end?
According to Jesus, there is only one way, to live a life that counts for now, and all eternity. He said, you must lose your life!
That’s right! You must die to yourself, and your selfish ambitions, and live for Him. Jesus said, in Luke 9:24 “For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it.”
Jesus says if you want to find your life, you must lose it. The apostle Paul understood this and wrote, in Galatians 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
You must give up control of your life! Allow God to direct you, in every area of your life. Don’t live, focusing only on getting stuff – a nicer car, a bigger house, a big title at work. If you do, you will lose (waste) your life.
Instead, focus on placing Christ first in your life. Live, to make a big deal out of Jesus and winning people to His Kingdom.
Jim Elliot got it right. He gave his life away, as a missionary, to reach the Waodoni tribe, in Ecuador. He was killed, by the tribe, at the age of 29. At first, some people thought his life was wasted. However, years later, the entire tribe, went on to receive Christ as their Savior! Jim’s life will be remembered and admired for all eternity.
His life reflected, his famous quote – “He is no fool, who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose.”
What will your story be? When your short life is over, will you be pleased with how you decided to live? You can be! Do what Billy Graham, Paul and Jim Elliot did. Give your life away to Christ! You’ll be glad you did.
Wishing all of you a blessed and amazing day!
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